Healing Events
Welcome to our healing platform, dear friends!
We, Karin Thomas and Maxim Lazet, living in the Netherlands, use this platform to offer free weekly collective distance healings. Every monday evening (local time) we facilitate a large-scale healing, in coöperation with our I AM Presence and the I AM presences of all participants. Feel free to join!

We were inspired by Spirit to start up this initiative as much change is foreseen in the upcoming years, and these healings can help bring balance and upliftment during these changes. We are a twinray couple, and since 2012 we’ve done a lot of inner work together purifying, grounding and unifying ourselves and our twinray connection. This has resulted into a strong ability, when joining our twinray hearts as one, to facilitate these large-scale healings.
Read more about the healings and about us on the other pages. Feel free to join the healings as often as you wish. Thank you for being here on Earth anchoring your Light, and if you decide to participate in the healings, thank you for your trust.
Much love,
Karin Thomas and Maxim Lazet
Our personal websites:
maximlazet.nl (Maxim)
divineheart.nl (Karin)